Only 62 SKPDs Request for Auction Trough ULP
Reported by Erna Martiyanti | Translated by Isa Efriadi
The auction procedure trough Jakarta Goods and Services Procurement Unit (ULP) is still less enthusiast by City Working Units (SKPD). From 750 SKPDs, there are only 62 SPKDs requested procurement through ULP.
There are only 62 out of 750 SKPDs and UKPDs signed for auction. It increases every day
Head of Jakarta Goods and Services ULP, I Dewa Gede Soni, disclosed that until Wednesday (4/23) 3 PM, there were only 62 SKPDs and UKPDs requested goods and services procurement. Even so, the amount is increasing every day. “
There are only 62 out of 750 SKPDs and UKPDs signed for auction. It increases every day ,” he stated, Thursday (4/24).According to Soni, based on Jakarta Governor Joko Widodo’s briefing on Thursday (4/10), there were 39 SKPDs and UKPDs requested for auction. It means, there is only an addition of 23 SPKDs and UPKDs signing for goods and services auction to ULP in two weeks. Whereas, the time limit for remaining SKPDs and UKPDs to propose for auction is only until May 16, 2014.
Jokowi Investigates Budget Duplication in Every SKPDHis party recorded that until Wednesday (4/23), there were 623 packages proposed by 62 SKPDs and UKPDs. Some of those SKPDs and UKPDs are Jakarta Public Housing and Government’s Buildings Department, Jakarta Public Works Department, Jakarta Tourism and Culture Department, Jakarta Manpower and Transmigration Department, West Jakarta Public Works Sub-Department, Monas Technical Implementation Unit (UPT), Ragunan Zoo UPT, etc.
Each SKPD and UKPD must input its goods and services procurement general plans through Through the site, citizens and ULP can see the packages to be spent by Jakarta Provincial Government.
“TOR (terms of references) arrangement must be clear and detail. For instance, if one wanted to buy buckets, don’t just say two buckets. Instead, say also the bucket’s diameter, material, Indonesian National Standard (SNI) product or not, et cetera,” explained Soni.
Even though ULP was just recently formed, hopefully there would not be monopolization of tender winners, because not every good can be bought trough ULP. Only physical auction with budget above Rp 200 million and services auction above Rp 50 million can be implemented through ULP. Besides that, most of the auctions have been included in e-catalogue and e-purchasing. If the goods were not available in those online systems, SKPD and UKPD can propose for auction through goods and services ULP.
“Almost all auctions are not smooth. For instance is the auction for elementary school (SD) National Exam (UN) sheets, in which the working group is still discussing it until late night. If there were incomplete documents, it will be discussed and asked for the remaining documents,” he uttered.